terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2016

Top 5 Bike Inventions you must have ▶4

Publicado em 20 de abr de 2016
More Amazing Bike Invetions you should buy.....

Grasplock http://www.grasplock.com/
Haiku http://www.haiku.bike/
Blaze Lazerlight https://blaze.cc/laserlight/
SadaBike http://www.sadabike.it/en/
Velosock https://velosock.com/

Bike Friendly Cities: Seville

Publicado em 7 de abr de 2015
Against all the odds Seville managed to turn the city into a haven for cycling enthusiasts. We decided to reveal it’s secret in our next feature film in the ‘Bike Friendly Cities’ series. Read the article herehttp://goo.gl/vgIAbF


ABOUT WLC: WeLoveCycling.com is a new online magazine that brings you original stories, fresh videos and special reports from the wide world of cycling.
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Top 5 Bicycle inventions You Must Have-Top 5 de los mejores gadget de ci...

Publicado em 24 de fev de 2016
In this video we present you 5 of the best bicyle ivention you can buy in 2016.
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►4. Boncho:http://vanmoof.com/boncho/156-boncho-...
►3. Airdonkey:http://donkey.bike/
►2. Smart Halo: https://www.smarthalo.bike/
►1. Glide Cycle:http://www.glidecycle.com/
❤Best Of Zip HD PlayList►http://goo.gl/DwepKd
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✔ 7 Awesome Inventions You Didn't Now Existed Vol 7

Since it's introduction in the 19th century,the bicycle's invention has had an enormous effect on society.

1. The Glide Cycle is an innovative method of transportation, combining the convenience of a bike with the exhilaration and fitness benefits garnered from running. This modern invention, featured on CNBC's Make Me a Millionaire Inventor, features two wheels, handlebars, and a seat that supports you while allowing complete free motion of your legs. It's design is ideal for athletes, those recovering from injury, or just anyone, of all ages, in need of a workout.

2. Smart Halo is a permanent accessory, transforming your regular Bicycle into a smart bike, by connecting it with your smart phone:samsung,iphone,or lg. Smart Halo brings the convenience of a GPS often found in cars and trucks to bicycles. It focuses on optimizing routes for both speed and safety, making locating a bike path a problem of the past. Smart halo not only directs you, with lights indicating when and where to turn, but it also tracks your speed, distance, time, and even calories burned while riding. It also syncs with your smart phone. Alerting you of calls, texts, and other notifications. Right on your handlebar.

3.Air Donkey, whose mascot aims to highlight its simple, affordable vehicles allows you to rent a bike online. This service, based in Copenhagen, Denmark, aims to one day make bicycles available in cities around the world. The rental system utilizes your phone. You pay online for a nearby bike, and then unlock it using a code on your smart phone. Simple, easy travel designed for tourism or day-to-day commutes.

4. Boncho is, as the name entails, a sort of poncho for bicycles. A standard rain coat is fine for your upper body while cycling, but it fails to protect your lower half from the rain. Boncho easily attaches to your bike, protecting both your legs and feet, as well as the rest of your body. It folds and unfolds seamlessly, similar to a pop up tent, and it even functions with a helmet or backpack.

5. Jogalong is a stroller with family fitness in mind. It features handle bars fixed on the back that allow for both walking and running with no extra adjustment necessary. Not limited to running, it also converts into a bicycle trailer. This invention was designed with ergonomics in mind, ideal for staying active while spending time with your child.

The most bicycle-friendly cities in the U.S.

Publicado em 12 de mai de 2015
Where to go if you want to put the pedal to the metal with your own two feet.

Bicycle-Friendly Streets: Design Standards

Publicado em 3 de dez de 2014
Bike Friendly Streets: Design Standards present examples of how cities across the United States and globally are redesigning their streets to accommodate and encourage bicycling. From Road Diets that make room for bike lanes to complete redesigns of streets, cities are stepping up to the challenge of providing a variety of options for the bicyclists in their communities. This course is taught by a traffic engineer and geared for planners who want to learn how to properly build buffered bike lanes, cycle tracks, and other appropriate bike infrastructure for safer, mixed-moded transportation infrastructure.

Sign up for an affordable subscription and watch the full course:
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segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2016

Cities are for everyone - Creating a barrier-free world

 em 14 de jan de 2016
Every so often a member comes along that has a profound impact on our own work and thinking. CSI Member and Agent of Change Luke Anderson is shifting the landscape around accessibility and inclusion. His remarkable story and efforts to make cities across Canada barrier free profoundly moved us, so we made this short documentary with the support of Bell Fibe TV1. Watch it now and please share it!

CSI's accessibility work done with the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

CSI's accessibility audit done by Enable Wellness http://www.enablewellness.com/.

domingo, 15 de maio de 2016

Zac Goldsmith: Cycle Super Highway, Uber Vs Black Cabs, And New London H...

Publicado em 17 de set de 2015
Zac Goldsmith's full interview - Answering callers questions on the new cycle highway, his views on Uber, and the need for new London homes.

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quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2016

Paraná registra média de 7 acidentes com bicicleta por dia



Paraná registra média de 7 acidentes com bicicleta por dia

Todos os dias, pelo menos sete acidentes envolvendo bicicletas são registrados no Paraná. A estimativa é do Departamento de Trânsito do Estado (Detran), que considera os números registrados pelas Polícias Rodoviárias Federal e Estadual, Polícia Militar e prefeituras, no período de 2009 a 2014.

Segundo o Detran, são cerca de 74 ciclistas mortos por ano e, em média, 2.119 feridos anualmente no Estado. Por isso, eles são tema da campanha “31 Dias para mudar o trânsito”, dentro das ações do Governo do Paraná para o Maio Amarelo.

Nesta quinta-feira (5), o site www.detran.gov.br/maioamarelo exibe um depoimento inspirado em fatos reais sobre os perigos de andar de bicicleta a noite, sem o uso de equipamentos de segurança como farol, lanterna e faixas refletivas.

A autarquia procurou quem já pedala a noite para dividir experiências e orientações aos demais ciclistas. Como a administradora Maria de Lourdes Molina, de 56 anos, que há quatro anos usa a bike no período noturno. Para se sentir mais tranquila, ela conta que dá preferência por andar em grupo e não dispensa os equipamentos luminosos.

“Andamos juntos, pelo menos em 4 pessoas, temos uma rota pré-determinada e, quando não há ciclovia, optamos pelo trajeto com menor trânsito de carros, nunca andando na contramão”, conta ela.

“Andando em grupo a gente fica mais visível para os motoristas. Mas em grupo, ou sozinho, sempre respeitamos o sentido da via e usamos equipamentos de segurança”, completa Roberto Paula Moreira, de 54 anos. Ele lembra ainda que o motorista deve sempre respeitar o ciclista e manter 1,5m de distância.

Segundo o Código de Trânsito Brasileiro (CTB), todo ciclista deve usar campainha, sinalização noturna dianteira, traseira, lateral e nos pedais, e espelho retrovisor do lado esquerdo. Outros elementos complementares também ajudam a aumentar a segurança no período noturno.

ROUPAS: Procure sempre usar roupas claras e chamativas, se possível com faixas refletivas. Elas fazem com que o ciclista seja visto em lugares mais escuros e mesmo à distância.

CAPACETE E LUVA: Usar capacete com fitas refletivas ajuda na sinalização. As luvas também são importantes para proteger as mãos em caso de quedas.

ILUMINAÇÃO: Nem sempre a iluminação do trecho é suficiente, por isso, é importante investir em sistemas de iluminação com LED, faróis e lanternas.

APITO: O uso de um apito ajuda chamar a atenção em situações emergência e insegurança, atuando além da campainha obrigatória.

Acompanhe a campanha: 

Fonte: Assessoria de Comunicação