segunda-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2015

Suffolk County Cyclist & Pedestrian Safety PSA

Publicado em 7 de nov de 2014
Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone joins members of the cycling community and safety advocates to unveil the first of a series of public service announcements to remind Suffolk County motorists, cyclists and pedestrian to follow the rules of the road.

Safe Cycling - for Pedestrians (HD)

Publicado em 31 de mai de 2012
Pedestrians have the same rights as other road users like motorists and cyclists in using the roads. They should also be concerned about road safety, and obey traffic rules to ensure the safety of all.

A bicycle can easily wobble when slowing down. Pedestrians should check traffic on both sides before crossing a cycle track. Give way to cyclists or make eye contact. Make sure that it is safe and there is no oncoming bicycle before you cross.

It is against the law to jog or walk on a cycle track. Also, do not take your pet to walk on it. To prevent collision, always keep to the footpath and use pedestrian crossings.

If you go for a walk near a cycle track in the evening, it is recommended to wear clothes in light colours so that you are easily seen by cyclists in order to avoid an accident.

Bicycle Laws -- PA Safe Routes Video #5

Publicado em 10 de mai de 2013
Through Pennsylvania's Safe Routes to School program, a series of five videos promoting bicycle safety was developed. Video 5, "Bicycle Laws," is targeted at motorists, cyclists and law enforcement officials. The video demonstrates common offenses by motorists and bicyclists. Common misconceptions about bicycle laws are also addressed.

These videos are also available to download at
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New law to protect cyclists, pedestrians

Publicado em 1 de out de 2014
(WTNH) -- Connecticut's new Vulnerable Users Law, geared at protecting pedestrians and bicyclists, is now in effect across the state.

Ciclistas en Santiago de Chile

Publicado em 13 de nov de 2013
En un conflicto permanente se ha transformado el uso de las bicicletas en Santiago, la falta de ciclo vías obliga a ciclistas a circular por las veredas ocasionando un desmedro a la circulación de los peatones.

El debate entre peatones y ciclistas por el uso de las veredas

Publicado em 30 de mar de 2014
La Ley de Tránsito considera una falta menos grave trasladarse en bicicleta por la acera..

"Buenas prácticas: Protección segura peatones y ciclistas entorno urbano...

Publicado em 2 de out de 2014
Presentación realizada en el "III Encuentro de Ciudades para la Seguridad Vial y la Movilidad Sostenible" (Torrevieja, Septiembre 2014).
Más info en: http://3encuentro-ciudadeseguridadvia...

El futuro de las leyes para infraestructura ciclista

Publicado em 17 de nov de 2014
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